Cyvl partnered with the Cotati Department of Public Works to revolutionize street sign management and enhance road safety across the city, utilizing advanced mobile LiDAR technology, 360-camera imagery, and precise inventorying to achieve transformative results.
Cyvl joined forces with the Cotati Department of Public Works to improve Street Sign Management and Safety within the City.
This project covered 23.5 centerline miles and involved comprehensive inventorying of 1,446 MUTCD street signs, supported by 2D and 360-camera imagery captured every 5 feet.
Cotati faced the challenge of efficiently managing and maintaining street signs across its network while ensuring compliance with MUTCD standards.Ensuring sign visibility, accurate inventory, and timely replacements were crucial for road safety and compliance. So, the city sought a solution that would address these concerns.
Cotati decided to use Cyvl’s advanced mobile LiDAR solution to streamline its sign management processes in order to ensure a safe community for its citizens.Cyvl approach combined precision inventorying of MUTCD signs with visual documentation through imagery captured by Cyvl’s sensor.
MUTCD Street Sign Inventory:
360-Camera Imagery:
Data Integration:
Cyvl’s collaboration with the Cotati Department of Public Works has transformed street sign management and elevated road safety standards in Cotati. Cyvl’s advanced technology and expertise have empowered Cotati to manage signs efficiently and, in turn, enhance the overall safety and functionality of its road network. Cyvl and Cotati’s DPW are working together to make Cotati’s roads safer and more intelligent.